vtkGraphLayoutView is a subclass of vtkGraphLayoutView which has own renderer, renderWindow, command observer, actor and etc.
The following code shows how to use it to display a 2D image.
from vtk import * def main(): # create a random graph source = vtkRandomGraphSource() source.SetNumberOfVertices(100) source.SetNumberOfEdges(110) source.StartWithTreeOn() source.Update() arcParallelStrategy = vtkArcParallelEdgeStrategy() # set the strategy on the layout graphLayoutView = vtkGraphLayoutView() graphLayoutView.SetEdgeLayoutStrategy( arcParallelStrategy ) graphLayoutView.AddRepresentationFromInput( source.GetOutput() ) graphLayoutView.GetInteractor().Start() if __name__ == '__main__': main()

The following code learned from VTKUsersGuide.
It shows how to convert vertexes to vtkGlygh polydata and how to convert a vtkGraph to a vtkPolyData.
from vtk import * # create a random graph source = vtkRandomGraphSource() source.SetNumberOfVertices(100) source.SetNumberOfEdges(110) source.StartWithTreeOn() source.Update() # setup a strategy for laying out the graph strategy = vtkRandomLayoutStrategy() strategy.SetGraphBounds( 0, 200, 0, 200, 0, 200 ) strategy.SetThreeDimensionalLayout( True ) # set the strategy on the layout layout = vtkGraphLayout() layout.SetLayoutStrategy(strategy) layout.SetInputConnection(source.GetOutputPort()) ren = vtkRenderer() # Pipeline for displaying vertices - glyph -> mapper -> actor -> display # mark each vertex with a special glyph vertex_glyphs = vtkGraphToGlyphs() vertex_glyphs.SetInputConnection(layout.GetOutputPort()) vertex_glyphs.SetGlyphType(9) #sphere vertex_glyphs.FilledOn() vertex_glyphs.SetRenderer(ren) vertex_mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper() vertex_mapper.SetInputConnection( vertex_glyphs.GetOutputPort() ) vertex_mapper.SetScalarRange( 0, 100 ) # 100 vertexes. vertex_mapper.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData() vertex_mapper.SelectColorArray("vertex id") # create the actor for displaying vertices vertex_actor = vtkActor() vertex_actor.SetMapper( vertex_mapper ) # Pipeline for displaying edges of the graph - layout -> lines -> mapper -> actor -> display edge_strategy = vtkArcParallelEdgeStrategy() edge_layout = vtkEdgeLayout() edge_layout.SetLayoutStrategy( edge_strategy ) edge_layout.SetInputConnection( layout.GetOutputPort() ) edge_geom = vtkGraphToPolyData() edge_geom.SetInputConnection( edge_layout.GetOutputPort() ) # create a mapper for edge display edge_mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper() edge_mapper.SetInputConnection( edge_geom.GetOutputPort() ) # create the actor for displaying the edges edge_actor = vtkActor() edge_actor.SetMapper( edge_mapper ) edge_actor.GetProperty().SetColor( 0., 1., 0. ) edge_actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(0.25) ren.AddActor( edge_actor ) ren.AddActor( vertex_actor ) ren.SetBackground( 0, 0, 0 ) renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() renWin.AddRenderer( ren ) renWinInteractor = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() renWinInteractor.SetRenderWindow( renWin ) renWinInteractor.Start()

The sentence vertex_glyphs.SetGlyphType(9)
means we want vertexes to look like spheres.