The article introduces a way to reduce the size of the gif file. The python script analysis gif file and generate many png files from multiple frames. Then it takes a few png files to combine a new smaller gif file. In addition, You can use OpenCV to convert the colorful png file to a simple grey png file. It also reduces the size of the gif.
#! /usr/local/bin/python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PIL import Image
import cv2
import os
import imageio
def ConvertWebp( picPath ):
outputPath = picPath.split(".")[0] + ".webp"
image = picPath ) outputPath )
def AnalysisGif( gifPath ):
image =
pngDir = gifPath[:-4]
if os.path.exists( pngDir ):
files = os.listdir( pngDir )
for file in files:
file = pngDir + "/" + file
os.remove( file )
os.rmdir( pngDir )
os.mkdir( pngDir )
while True:
current = image.tell()
pngPath = pngDir+'/'+str(current)+'.png' pngPath, quality = 100 ) current+1 )
except EOFError:
print( EOFError )
def Combine2Gif( folderPath, gifFilePath ):
files = os.listdir( folderPath )
pngFiles = []
for i in range(0, len(files), 5):
pngFiles.append( folderPath + "/" + ('%d.png' % i) )
GenerateGif( 0.1, gifFilePath, pngFiles )
def GenerateGif(step, gifPath, filterPngs):
images = []
for filePath in filterPngs:
images.append( imageio.imread(filePath) )
imageio.mimsave( gifPath, images, duration = step )
if __name__ == "__main__":
gifPath = "/Users/weiyang/Desktop/test.gif"
AnalysisGif( gifPath )
Combine2Gif( gifPath[:-4], gifPath[:-4]+"_result.gif" )
print( "== finished ==" )
$ du -h *.gif
13M test.gif
7.0M test_result.gif