The post shows how to generate an oriented bounding box based on the three axis known in advance.
The 3D model is displayed by a CUModel object. We will calculate the two farthest points, positive farthest point and negative farthest point along the special direction. Then generate a polydata from the six farthest points.
Attention should be paid to the determination of the center point when we create polydata from the six points.

void GetOBBBox(CUModel *model, vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> result)
    // we have three directions as axes. PointStruct xDir, yDir, zDir; 

    PointStruct boundPts[6];
    // -x, x, -y, y, -z, z
    CalculateFarPoints( boundPts[1], boundPts[0], xDir, model );
    CalculateFarPoints( boundPts[3], boundPts[2], yDir, model );
    CalculateFarPoints( boundPts[5], boundPts[4], zDir, model );

    // compute the polyData center
    PointStruct center( (boundPts[0]+boundPts[1])*0.5 );
    vSPNew( plane, vtkPlane );
    plane->SetOrigin( center.point );
    plane->SetNormal( xDir.point );
    PointStruct tmp = (boundPts[2]+boundPts[3])*0.5;
    plane->ProjectPoint( tmp.point, center.point ); // x mid, y mid.
    tmp = (boundPts[4]+boundPts[5])*0.5;
    vSPNew( plane1, vtkPlane );
    plane1->SetOrigin( tmp.point );
    plane1->SetNormal( zDir.point );
    plane1->ProjectPoint( center.point, center.point ); // x mid, y mid, z mid.

    // generate polyData
    PointStruct sizeVec[3] = { (boundPts[1] - boundPts[0])*0.5, (boundPts[3] - boundPts[2])*0.5, (boundPts[5] - boundPts[4])*0.5 };
    PointStruct pts[8] = {
        center - sizeVec[0] - sizeVec[1] - sizeVec[2],
        center + sizeVec[0] - sizeVec[1] - sizeVec[2],
        center + sizeVec[0] + sizeVec[1] - sizeVec[2],
        center - sizeVec[0] + sizeVec[1] - sizeVec[2],
        center - sizeVec[0] - sizeVec[1] + sizeVec[2],
        center + sizeVec[0] - sizeVec[1] + sizeVec[2],
        center + sizeVec[0] + sizeVec[1] + sizeVec[2],
        center - sizeVec[0] + sizeVec[1] + sizeVec[2],
    vSPNew( points, vtkPoints );
    for( auto pt: pts )
        points->InsertNextPoint( pt.point );
    vSPNew( cells, vtkCellArray );
    vtkIdType bottom_ptIds1[3] = { 1, 0, 2 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, bottom_ptIds1 );
    vtkIdType bottom_ptIds2[3] = { 3, 2, 0 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, bottom_ptIds2 );

    vtkIdType top_ptIds1[3] = { 4, 5, 6 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, top_ptIds1 );
    vtkIdType top_ptIds2[3] = { 6, 7, 4 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, top_ptIds2 );

    vtkIdType left_ptIds1[3] = { 4, 3, 0 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, left_ptIds1 );
    vtkIdType left_ptIds2[3] = { 3, 4, 7 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, left_ptIds2 );

    vtkIdType right_ptIds1[3] = { 2, 6, 5 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, right_ptIds1 );
    vtkIdType right_ptIds2[3] = { 2, 5, 1 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, right_ptIds2 );

    vtkIdType front_ptIds1[3] = { 1, 4, 0 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, front_ptIds1 );
    vtkIdType front_ptIds2[3] = { 5, 4, 1 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, front_ptIds2 );

    vtkIdType back_ptIds1[3] = { 7, 6, 2 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, back_ptIds1 );
    vtkIdType back_ptIds2[3] = { 7, 2, 3 };
    cells->InsertNextCell( 3, back_ptIds2 );

    result->SetPoints( points );
    result->SetPolys( cells );

void CalculateFarPoints
    PointStruct &posPt,
    PointStruct &negPt,
    PointStruct axis,
    CUModel *model
    auto data = model->Getm_Actor()->GetInputPolyData();
    auto bds = data->GetBounds();
    PointStruct center( (bds[0]+bds[1])/2, (bds[2]+bds[3])/2, (bds[4]+bds[5])/2 );

    vSPNew( computePlane, vtkPlane );
    computePlane->SetOrigin( center.point );
    computePlane->SetNormal( axis.point );

    double maxValue = VTK_DOUBLE_MIN;
    double minValue = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
    PointStruct posFarPt(0, 0, 0), negFarPt(0, 0, 0);
    for( int i = 0; i < data->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++i )
        PointStruct pt( data->GetPoint( i ) );
        double computeValue = computePlane->EvaluateFunction( pt.point );
        if( computeValue > maxValue )
            maxValue = computeValue;
            posFarPt = pt;

        if( computeValue < minValue )
            minValue = computeValue;
            negFarPt = pt;

    LOG( INFO, "maxValue: ", maxValue, ", minValue: ", minValue );
    posPt = center + maxValue*axis;
    negPt = center + minValue*axis;

Categories: VTK

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