The interface GetCenter gives us the center of bounding box rather than barycenter of model.

Here is source code from VTK9.2.0.

double* vtkProp3D::GetCenter()
  this->Center[0] = (this->Bounds[1] + this->Bounds[0]) / 2.0;
  this->Center[1] = (this->Bounds[3] + this->Bounds[2]) / 2.0;
  this->Center[2] = (this->Bounds[5] + this->Bounds[4]) / 2.0;

  return this->Center;

// Get the bounds for this Prop3D as (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax).
void vtkProp3D::GetBounds(double bounds[6])
  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    bounds[i] = this->Bounds[i];

// Get the bounds for this Actor as (Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax,Zmin,Zmax).
double* vtkActor::GetBounds()
  int i, n;
  double bbox[24], *fptr;

  vtkDebugMacro(<< "Getting Bounds");

  // get the bounds of the Mapper if we have one
  if (!this->Mapper)
    return this->Bounds;

  const double* bounds = this->Mapper->GetBounds();
  // Check for the special case when the mapper's bounds are unknown
  if (!bounds)
    return nullptr;

  // Check for the special case when the actor is empty.
  if (!vtkMath::AreBoundsInitialized(bounds))
    memcpy(this->MapperBounds, bounds, 6 * sizeof(double));
    return this->Bounds;

  // Check if we have cached values for these bounds - we cache the
  // values returned by this->Mapper->GetBounds() and we store the time
  // of caching. If the values returned this time are different, or
  // the modified time of this class is newer than the cached time,
  // then we need to rebuild.
  if ((memcmp(this->MapperBounds, bounds, 6 * sizeof(double)) != 0) ||
    (this->GetMTime() > this->BoundsMTime) || this->CoordinateSystem != vtkProp3D::WORLD)
    vtkDebugMacro(<< "Recomputing bounds...");

    memcpy(this->MapperBounds, bounds, 6 * sizeof(double));

    // fill out vertices of a bounding box
    bbox[0] = bounds[1];
    bbox[1] = bounds[3];
    bbox[2] = bounds[5];
    bbox[3] = bounds[1];
    bbox[4] = bounds[2];
    bbox[5] = bounds[5];
    bbox[6] = bounds[0];
    bbox[7] = bounds[2];
    bbox[8] = bounds[5];
    bbox[9] = bounds[0];
    bbox[10] = bounds[3];
    bbox[11] = bounds[5];
    bbox[12] = bounds[1];
    bbox[13] = bounds[3];
    bbox[14] = bounds[4];
    bbox[15] = bounds[1];
    bbox[16] = bounds[2];
    bbox[17] = bounds[4];
    bbox[18] = bounds[0];
    bbox[19] = bounds[2];
    bbox[20] = bounds[4];
    bbox[21] = bounds[0];
    bbox[22] = bounds[3];
    bbox[23] = bounds[4];

    // make sure matrix (transform) is up-to-date

    // and transform into actors coordinates
    fptr = bbox;
    for (n = 0; n < 8; n++)
      double homogeneousPt[4] = { fptr[0], fptr[1], fptr[2], 1.0 };
      this->Matrix->MultiplyPoint(homogeneousPt, homogeneousPt);
      fptr[0] = homogeneousPt[0] / homogeneousPt[3];
      fptr[1] = homogeneousPt[1] / homogeneousPt[3];
      fptr[2] = homogeneousPt[2] / homogeneousPt[3];
      fptr += 3;

    // now calc the new bounds
    this->Bounds[0] = this->Bounds[2] = this->Bounds[4] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
    this->Bounds[1] = this->Bounds[3] = this->Bounds[5] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
        if (bbox[i * 3 + n] < this->Bounds[n * 2])
          this->Bounds[n * 2] = bbox[i * 3 + n];
        if (bbox[i * 3 + n] > this->Bounds[n * 2 + 1])
          this->Bounds[n * 2 + 1] = bbox[i * 3 + n];

  return this->Bounds;
Categories: CPlusPlusVTK

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