无何化有 感物知春秋
秋毫濡沫欲绸缪 搦管相留
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The hero perceived wars in the world in his dream, he decided to go out of the mountains to save the world. But the heroine wrote a letter to tell him she want to marry him, not to go.
留骨攒峰 留容映水秀
留观四时曾邂逅 佳人西洲
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The hero comforted the heroine, said that, I would leave my morality like a mountain, leave my face like the water, leave the memory that we met in Xizhou and spent the four seasons together. But I have to go.
西洲何有 远树平高丘
云闲方外雨不收 稚子牵牛
闹市无声 百态阴晴栩栩侔
藤衣半卷苔衣皱 岁月自无忧
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Look into the distance, the trees stood with the hills, the clouds were wandering in the sky, the rain was not stoping, and the shepherd boy take care his cattle.
There is no squabble in the downtown, it’s very quiet and harmonious, all living beings are in various states with joys and sorrows, they live as free as butterflies together as equals. It’s easy to live in a place like this.
闹市也无人争吵,很安静和谐,众生百态,悲欢离合,过得像蝴蝶一样自由自在,平等相处。 在这样的地方生活,无忧无虑。
驾马驱车 尚几程扶摇入画中 咫尺
径曲桥横 精诚难通
盼你渡口 待你桥头
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The hero took the carriage and ran away in the night, it’s a long way just like the man entering the painting, he went farther, the image in heroine’s eyes become smaller. The heroine has been waiting for him since that day.

勒笔烟直大漠 沧浪盘虬
记我 长风万里绕指未相勾
形生意成 此意 逍遥不游
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The man wrote letter to the heroine with rosin ink, recorded the stories since they sperated.
The letter is full with literary talents, told her he would not disappear as in the ocean, but would create ripples to connect them as link.
He played Konghou, a harp instrument, and thought that the strings can be together but they were apart. He stopped when he wrote about the lonely, desolate, and dangerous scene to avoid she becoming worried.
The love between them is like a long wind, they can feel the wind but can’t touch each other. Althought the love is wrapped in the letter that the man wrote by his fingers, but their fingers can’t do pinky promise.
日月何寿 江海滴更漏
爱向人间借朝暮 悲喜为酬
种柳春莺 知它风尘不可救
绵绵更在三生后 谁隔世读关鸠
诗说红豆 遍南国未见人长久 见多少
来时芳华 去时白头
忘你不舍 寻你不休
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How long does the sun and moon live? All the drops in the ocean can’t be used to count.
Human’s life, by contrast, is too short to messed with. Love takes up human’s youth, but all stories ends with joy and sorrow.
Planted willow trees have grown up, there is oriole on the branch. I guess the oriole fell in love just like me.
How many lives will it take to be with you? Who will read the love story about us in the next life?
Poetry said that the red bean is the most lovesick item, I find it everywhere in the south, but still can’t be with you forever. It’s hard to forget you even though I had waited for you until the hair became white.
相比之下,人的寿命短暂,经不起折腾。爱情收割了人的青春岁月,却以悲欢离合作为报酬 。
天命碧城灰土 刀弓褐锈
照我 萤灯嫁昼只影归洪流
身魂如寄 此世 逍遥不游
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The heroine wrote to the man, complained that she is getting old, the white hair has grown out, but you have not come back.
Snowflakes fell on your armor like coloured glaze. Did your heart become cold as ice because you killed too enemies?
Did you lost yourself in glory after you rise to be a general and is around with bureaucratism?
You have to know that the fate told us everything can’t exist forever. Your ambition will eventually turn out to be a heap of dust, the military force will become a pile of rusty iron, no matter how great and outstanding a person is, he is nothing in front of time. He will die when it’s time. His success is useless when he faces death.
It’s the power of time, time can destroy everything. So just stop being a hero and come back.
When someone else got married, the firefly’s light shone on me like day, but I have to be alone in the flood of people. Do you know how I feel? My soul is lost.

情一物 无木成林无水行舟
情一事 未算藏谋真还谬
情一人 积深不厚积年不旧
情一念 墨尽非空 百代飞白骤 划地为囚
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Love is like miracle, a forest without wood, a boat without water.
Love is like incredible thing , no calculation, no scheme, it’s too real to be like a lie.
Love is like human, close bond will not let people feel heavy, a long time will not let people feel old.
Love is like a kind of faith, it’s hard to describe completely even if we used all ink. These letters will become dust after hundreds years, but love is still be there, it makes people lost in their memory and feeling.
顾盼花发鸿蒙 怦然而梦
系我 彩翼鲸尾红丝天地周
情之所至 此心 逍遥不游
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She live alone in her last years, she compared herself to ephemera to laugh her life is short.
Compared her to mysterious water God, laugh herself to be fooled by fate. Why did she still believe love? She had become an old woman from a yound lady, and she would die in a short time.
She found her lover in her dream in the last years, the fate will not play tricks on her. The lover looked back at her and never leave.
She dreamed that her lover was holding her hand, they were just like a red kite flying between sky and earth.