The function template std::bind
generate a forwarding call wrapper of origin function, it returns a function object.
We can just call the wrapper to invoke the origin function.
The class template std::function
is function wrapper, the instance of it can be copied and store.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base
Base( const int _number ){ number = _number; }
void Print(){ cout << "Base: " << number << endl; }
int number;
void CoutNum( int _number )
cout << "CoutNum: " << _number << endl;
int main()
std::function<void(int)> fun0 = CoutNum;
fun0( 10 ); // CoutNum: 10
std::function<void()> fun1 = [](){ cout << "lambam expression" << endl; };
fun1(); // lambam expression
std::function<void()> fun2 = std::bind( CoutNum, 11 );
fun2(); // CoutNum: 11
fun2.swap( fun1 );
fun2(); // lambam expression
std::function<void(Base&)> fun3 = &Base::Print;
Base obj( 110 );
fun3( obj ); // Base: 110
return 0;
Create call back binded with a class member function that has parameter. So we can use another class member function in the current class.
class MyWidget:public vtkContourWidget
typedef std::function<bool()> WidgetCheck;
WidgetCheck m_Check;
void SetWidgetCheck(WidgetCheck ptr)
m_Check = ptr;
bool CUModule::WidgetActionCheck(Type type)
auto checkCB = std::bind( &CUModule::WidgetActionCheck, this, type );
m_Widget->SetWidgetCheck( checkCB ); //m_Widget is the object of MyWidget