Review Every Cell In VTK 3D Model

They are many different cells in VTK, they can be divided into two kinds, linear cells, and non-linear cells. The following images are from VTKUsersGuide. Linear Cells Non-Linear Cells Although vtkUnstructuredGrid and vtkPolyData are similar, there are substantial differences. vtkPolyData can only represent cells of topological dimension 2 or less Read more…

Create And Show ImageData In VTK

Here is relevant introduction about vtkImageData from VTKUsersGuide. A vtkImageData dataset is defined by data dimensions, interpoint spacing, and the origin (i.e., lower-left corner) of the dataset. If the dimension of the dataset is two, then we call the vtkImageData dataset an image, and it is composed of vtkPixel cell Read more…

Using LLDB To Explore Why My Program Crashed

Last night I read some pages in VTKUsersGuide to learn VTK factory mechanism. I got the basic steps of defining my own factory and use it. Implement virtual function which is declared in vtkObjectFactory. virtual const char* GetVTKSourceVersion(); virtual const char* GetDescription(); Create Object Use the protected function RegisterOverride which Read more…

Improved Bubble Sort

Almost every developer know how to implement the bubble sort for a simple array. We just need to travel over the array in two levels and swap the adjacent elements in the second level if their values’ order is not correct. The algorithm implement with Python is in the following Read more…

Python Edit Simple Text File

Read a single txt file and indent every paragraph. def getText( filePath ): with open( filePath ) as file: content = paragraphs = content.split( ‘\n’ ) file.close() newContent = “” for para in paragraphs: newContent = newContent + ” ” + para + “\n” return newContent import Read more…

Tex To PDF
: convert the Latex file which suffix is tex to a PDF file