3D Model Editor – Screen Shot
We support to get a screen shot for 3D Model Editor now. You can click on the button screen shot on the right part of html page. Then the scene will be saved as an image to your local disk. Read more…
We support to get a screen shot for 3D Model Editor now. You can click on the button screen shot on the right part of html page. Then the scene will be saved as an image to your local disk. Read more…
I got the following error information on the web page if I change the id of canvas to be ‘canvas1’. The function USDL2OpenGLRenderWindow::CreateAWindow is similar to vtkSDL2OpenGLRenderWindow::CreateAWindow. We can read VTK and SDL library source code and find these code Read more…
How to forbid wordpress convert JS && to “&” Add the following code in your theme’s file function.php such as ./wp-content/themes/hestia/functions.php. function newautop($text) { $newtext = “”; $pos = 0; $tags = array(‘<!– noformat on –>’, ‘<!– noformat off –>’); Read more…
CMakeLists.txt Use basic functions for number computing. Demo code about Polynomial.
Question 1, Given a triangle, what are the three adjacent triangles? Question 2, Given an edge, which two triangles share it? Question 3, Given a vertex, which faces share it? Question 4, Given a vertex, which edges share it? A Read more…
The interface GetCenter gives us the center of bounding box rather than barycenter of model. Here is source code from VTK9.2.0.
In the mesh structure of 3D models, there is a kind of situation that can make many 3D algorithms useless or even break down. Because the default input model for many 3D algorithms is a manifold structure. But sometimes we Read more…
Each simple triangle in the mesh structure of the 3D model has three verticesThe order of the three vertices is clockwise or counterclockwise.In general, all cell vertices on a model are in the same order.If it is not consistent, that Read more…