Squash Commits By Git
squash commits original scene git rebase -i a60635 combine last three commits by squash final scene squash commits by git.xmind
squash commits original scene git rebase -i a60635 combine last three commits by squash final scene squash commits by git.xmind
I found vtkSTLWriter can help us to avoid error Can’t follow edge in vtkSelectPolyData as described in the article Is there a bug in vtkSelectPolyData?. The data after I/O operations in STL file format, it can be handled correctly by Read more…
I took books’ information from the MySQL database and tried to analyze the relation between price, score, and the number of commentators. The books’ sales information is collected from amazon as described in the article Find The Book Wanted In Read more…
I used vtkSelectPolyData to find the center area in the circle on the surface of the tooth. But it often failed to give me a satisfying result but showed the error, Can’t follow edge. The worse situation is that it crashed Read more…
A 3D model may be composed of a few different parts. We want to find all the independent parts. In the following code snippet, the interface GetConnectedCellIds can help us to find all the parts, DrawCells will mark a part which is represented by Read more…
The article introduces two different ways to color a cube, pointData scalars and cellData scalars.The implementations for them are in the following part. PointData Scalars Create a cube in which every side plane is formed by triangles. Every point has Read more…
I upgrade my server OS to CentOS 8.1, besides that the PHP, WordPress, and apache had been also upgraded to the latest version. All data had been back up by plugin UpdraftPlus, I planned to use it to restore my Read more…
To find a high-quality book on amazon kindle store, I collect some books information and analyze them. The process can be divided into two main parts. Part 1. Download books’ information and save them to the database. We use BeautifulSoup Read more…
单纯看“Can’t follow edge”的错误提示,我没能得到有价值的线索。不管怎么说,在使用该对象处理数据之前居然需要写读一遍信息本身就显得很诡异,或者,这就是VTK8.2上的一个bug?也许,当我升级VTK之后才能找到答案。