The Chinese Emperor Yao
Emperor Yao is a son of emperor Ku, the oldest son of Ku is Zhi, so Zhi became the new emperor after Ku died. But the new emperor is not good at handling political stuff, on the other hand, Yao Read more…
Emperor Yao is a son of emperor Ku, the oldest son of Ku is Zhi, so Zhi became the new emperor after Ku died. But the new emperor is not good at handling political stuff, on the other hand, Yao Read more…
I wrote some simple examples about handling excel with python in article Read Excel Table With Python. Now let’s deal with a more complex task, to combine two different tables based on a common column. Sheet0 Sheet1 Above two tables Read more…
VTK provides some convenient algorithms to help us display the whole digital elevation model (DEM). My university major is Geometry Information Science, it’s so exciting for me to write an article about DEM since I became a professional software develop Read more…
Develop environment: VTK-8.2.0 Qt Creator 4.9.0 Based on Qt 5.12.2 (MSVC 2017, 32 bit) CMake 3.14.3 CMake Generator: Visual Studio 16 2019 Configure compilers for my building kit C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.21.27702/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Read more…
The module openpyxl is a convenient tool for users to process data in an excel table. But it’s not build-in, we need to download the module manually after that developer can import and use it. The following code snippet shows Read more…
Download image files from website with Python.The module request can help us to fetch contents of web page, we can use BeautifulSoup to parse the html string and collect all interesting elements, download images by relevant URLs which are filtered Read more…
vtkImageActor vtkImageActor is used to display picture in 3D render window. By changing the interactor to a vtkInteractorStyleImage you can limit rotations so that user can operate the 3D render window as a 2D image viewer. python code: import vtk Read more…
Open An URL On A New Browser Tab We need to import the module web browser to open a browser tab to read the HTML page. import webbrowser if __name__ == “__main__”: ‘’ ) Download Web Page As Text Read more…
vtkBoxWidget2 shows a bounding box outline, the face of the box can be picked and moved to scale the object inside the bounding box. After rotating, translating, and scaling, we can ensure the inside item change shape and position with Read more…