vtkCutter Find The Intersections Between Bounding Box Plane And Polydata

Create a simple cone and plane. #include <iostream> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkSphereSource.h> #include <vtkActor.h> #include <vtkConeSource.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h> #include <vtkProperty.h> #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h> #include <vtkLight.h> #include <vtkCamera.h> #include <vtkOBBTree.h> #include <vtkActor2D.h> #include <vtkMath.h> #include <vtkTransform.h> #include <vtkTransformFilter.h> Read more…

VTK – Area Layouts Of Graph Visualizations

There are three examples using views displaying relations of vtk classes. The article learned from VTKUsersGuide vtkTreeRingView Python #!/usr/bin/env python from vtk import * def main(): datapath = “/Users/weiyang/Downloads/VTKData” #vtk.util.misc.vtkGetDataRoot() reader1 = vtkXMLTreeReader() reader1.SetFileName(datapath + “/Data/Infovis/XML/vtkclasses.xml”) reader1.SetEdgePedigreeIdArrayName(“tree edge”) reader1.GenerateVertexPedigreeIdsOff(); reader1.SetVertexPedigreeIdArrayName(“id”); Read more…

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