If you want to get a cartoon avatar from the original photo, our AI tool can complete this task.
The base data is very large, so we can’t put all files on server.
You can send your photo by your E-mail to our address [email protected] and purchase our service through PayPal.
Then we will create cartoon avatars from your photos and send them to you. If you have any questions during the ordering process, you can leave a comment in E-mail, and we will address them promptly.

Please make sure that your photos and Paypal information such as user name and paypal email address are included in your email.
We will only process one batch of photos per order.
The subject of the your email need to be: Photo To Cartoon Avatar.
Example for your E-mail:

Maybe you can’t buy our service by Paypal if you are a Chinese user. You can go to our online store on Taobao to make an order to purchase the service.

【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.5yY48mBTNskocUs?tk=9uoqWozO8pl MF7997 「AI出图经典动漫角色图画,汤姆猫,哆啦A梦,桔梗,犬夜叉,小樱」
点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开
【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.5y0f872AYDCuEzu?tk=hWCfWo4geeE CZ0002 「照片转动漫头像」
点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开