The page helps you to convert your image file to another format file. Upload your file, choose the output format, click the convert button, and wait for a few seconds. Finally, you can download the new file by clicking the generated link.
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Input | Output |
Portable Network Graphics (.png) | Joint Photographic Expert Group (.jpeg/.jpg/jpe) |
Joint Photographic Expert Group (.jpeg/.jpg/.jpe) | Bitmap image (.bmp) |
Bitmap image (.bmp) | Sun Raster file (.ras/.sr) |
Sun Raster file (.ras/.sr) | Tag Image File Format (.tif/.tiff) |
Tag Image File Format (.tif/.tiff) | High Dynamic Range (.hdr) |
High Dynamic Range (.hdr) | WebP images (.webp) |
WebP images (.webp) | Portable bitmap format (.pbm) |
Portable bitmap format (.pbm) | JPEG 2000 files (.jp2) |
JPEG 2000 files (.jp2) | Portable bitmap (.pgm) |
Portable bitmap (.pgm) | Windows bitmaps (.dib) |
Windows bitmaps (.dib) | Portable image format (.ppm) |
Portable image format (.ppm) | Portable any map (.pnm) |
Portable any map (.pnm) | Portable Float Map (.pfm) |
Portable Float Map (.pfm) | PICtor raster image (.pic) |
PICtor raster image (.pic) | Portable Network Graphics (.png) |
You can use the following tools to display the special images which can’t be read by your app.
Web tool:
Python script:
import cv2
import sys
# useage: scriptFile imagePath
if __name__ == '__main__':
filePath = sys.argv[1]
img = cv2.imread( filePath )
cv2.namedWindow( 'image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL )
cv2.waitKey( 0 )