The page helps you to convert your 3D file to another format file. Upload your file, choose input and output formats, click the convert button, and wait for a few seconds. Finally, you can download the new file by clicking the generated link. If you want to watch the 3D model in the web browser, go to the relevant page, 3D Model Viewer: 3D Model Viewer

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input output
OBJ file (.obj) STL file (.stl)
PLY file (.ply) OBJ file (.obj)
VTP file (.vtp) PLY file (.ply)
VTK file (.vtk) VTP file (.vtp)
GLTF file (.zip) VTK file (.vtk)
FACET file (.facet) GLTF file (.zip)
CTM file (.ctm) FACET file (.facet)
BYU file (.zip) CTM file (.ctm)
TIFF file (.tif) BYU file (.zip)
STL file (.stl) TIFF file (.tif)
DEM file (.dem) X3D file (.x3d)
3DS file (.3ds) VRML file (.wrl)

The demo video on using this function.

3D Files Converter
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Jared Magnusson
Jared Magnusson
3 years ago

Is the source code for your converter available anywhere? I’m interested in the .obj to .facet capability

2 years ago

no mb format

Katie Blessinger
2 years ago

Do the conversions between 3D model file types lose resolution at all (for example, when converting from .vtp to .stl)?

Paulo Duarte
Paulo Duarte
2 years ago

Fantástico conversor

Samuli Holmala
Samuli Holmala
1 year ago

3D PDF conversion possibilities? from PDF to GLTF?

Jack Ma
Jack Ma
9 months ago

I can’t log in.

Tex To PDF
: convert the Latex file which suffix is tex to a PDF file

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